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Abstract—This research examines the critical success factors that enable better IT absorption, assimilation, proliferation and to perform the important business functions in some of the large-sized public sector undertakings of key importance in India. There is a short fall of empirical research in this area in India. Therefore, a study and survey of three important Public sector Indian Petroleum organizations has been conducted. The results have been obtained on the basis of survey, interview and field observational findings of 368 managers of these organizations. Several key important Critical Success factors (enablers and inhibitors) were identified- based upon resource, capability and the cultural view of these organizations. This sector is very important in India due to its economic, industrial and social impact. The findings of this study will help ineffectively managing the IT for the better business and competitive advantage. Further this study will entail enablers and inhibitors for other Industry in India. The study is special importance as critical success factors of IT Alignment have been under studied in Indian context. This study highlights several factors of key importance for understanding alignment. Recommendations are provided to help achieving better alignment in these organizations.
Index Terms—Information Technology, Enabler, Inhibitor,Critical Success factors, Business and IT alignment.
Dr. Himanshu Aggarwal is with Department of Computer Engineering,Punjabi University, Patiala, India (Email: himanshu@pbi.ac.in)
Cite: Dr. Himanshu Aggarwal, " Critical Success Factors in IT Alignment in Public Sector Petroleum Industry of India," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 56-62, 2010.