Abstract—This paper presents a model that integrates fuzzy logic and AHP for the selection of green product designs. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a popular and comprehensive tool in the literature for analyzing the environmental impacts of a product from its origin (i.e. raw materials) to its end-of-life. However, LCA is unable to handle “uncertainty” when evaluating alternative designs and its time consuming in the data collection process. Therefore, the proposed Fuzz-AHP (FAHP)is combined with LCA to analyze the environmental impacts of a product. Some of the disadvantages of LCA can be remedied. The result is a tool that is easy to use by practitioners to obtain valuable information for evaluating various product designs, and particularly useful in the early stages of design when different options can be evaluated and screened out.
Index Terms—Fuzzy, AHP, LCA, electronics product.
H. K. Chan is with the Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia, UK (e-mail: H.Chan@uea.ac.uk).
X. Wang is with Department of Management, University of Bristol, UK (e-mail: Xiaojun.Wang@bristol.ac.uk).
S. H. Chung is with the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, (e-mail: mfnick@inet.polyu.edu.hk).t>
Cite: Hing Kai Chan, Xiaojun Wang, and Sai Ho Chung, "A Fuzzy-AHP Framework for Evaluation of Eco-Design Alternatives," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 147-151, 2013.