Build up Successful R&D Strategic Alliances for Biotechnology Industry
Abstract—With increasingly fierce global competition, companies must do their best in research and development(R&D) to strengthen their competitiveness. This paper proposes a R&D strategic alliance model for Taiwan’s biotechnology industry. This research applies a fuzzy Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) linguistic information method for group decision-making together group ideas and analyze the cause-effect relationship of complex social science problems in fuzzy environments. These ideas are divided into causal and effect groups, enabling readers to gain a better understanding of the interactive relationship among them, as well as making suggestions for improvement to enhance their overall performance. The results show that Strategic Behavior is a major causal dimension and the proposed model is capable of producing effective R&D strategic alliance evaluation with adequate criteria that fit the respondent’s perception patterns, especially when the evaluation criteria are numerous and intertwined. We provide suggestions for government officials to devise Taiwan biotechnology industry policy and for companies to make business strategies for future development in this industry.
Index Terms—R&D strategic alliance, biotechnology industry dematel, mu1tiple criteria decision-making(MCDM)
Sun Chia-Chi is with Institute of International Business at Tamkang University, Taiwan (e-mail:
Cite: Sun Chia-Chi, "Build up Successful R&D Strategic Alliances for Biotechnology Industry," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 125-129, 2013.