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Abstract—This work includes ex ante evaluation framework for R&D program, especially focused on R&D subsidy in Korea. To help implementing the framework, the analytical structure for decision making, recommended range of weights, checklists for analyzing logical linkages and rationales of the examined R&D program, and recommended scope of benefits are described, and brief guidelines for their use are offered. Although it is a kind of examples in public sector, the concept and analytic methods can be applicable in the other field.
Index Terms—Ex ante evaluation, R&D program, logic analysis, economic analysis, multi-criteria decision making
S. J. Ahn and Y. B. Lee are with the Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning, Seoul, 137-717, Korea (e-mail: sein@kistep.re.kr,yblee@kistep.re.kr).
Cite: Sang-Jin Ahn and Yoon Been Lee, "Ex ante Evaluation Framework for R&D Program: Exercises from Korea Government," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 117-121, 2013.