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Abstract—Terrain visualization is a difficult problem for applications requiring accurate image of large datasets at high frame rates. We propose new view-dependent-multi-resolution representation method of large-scale terrain, which inherits the accuracy of 3D-methods as well as the memory efficient of2.5D-methods. The proposed approach maintains a full decimation procedure of a height map for a maximum tolerance, and creates End-Start-tree, which is used to represent multi-resolution triangular mesh. For the approximation of a height map, the proposed algorithm employs the QEM (quadric error metrics) method. We demonstrate new visualization algorithm of large-scale terrain.
Index Terms—Terrain, Height map, Digital elevation model,View-dependent LOD, Quadric error metrics, simplification.
Y. H. Chung, W. K. Hwam, D. S. Chang and S. C. Park are with the Department of Industrial Engineering, Ajou University, Suwon, Republic ofKorea (e-mail: yongho1230@gmail.com, lunacy@ajou.ac.kr,webmacome@ajou.ac.kr, scpark@ajou.ac.kr).
Jung Ju Choi is with the Department of Media, Ajou University, Suwon, Republic of Korea (e-mail: jungju@ajou.ac.kr).
Cite: Yong H. Chung, Won K. Hwam, Dae S. Chang, Jung-Ju Choi, and Sang C. Park, Member, IACSIT, "View-Dependent Multiresolution Representation for a Height Map," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 104-108, 2013.