• ISSN: 2010-0248 (Print)
    • Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Innov.  Manag. Technol.
    • Frequency: Quarterly
    • DOI: 10.18178/IJIMT
    • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Jin Wang
    • Managing Editor: Ms. Nancy Y. Liu
    • Abstracting/ Indexing: CNKIGoogle Scholar
    • E-mail: editor@ijimt.org

    • Article Processing Charge: 500 USD
IJIMT 2013 Vol.4(1): 21-25 ISSN: 2010-0248

Transformation of Semantic Networks into Frames

Sajid Ullah Khan

Abstract—Decision Support Systems (DSS) is an intellectual structure projected to help decision makers in identifying problems and the capability to solve problems accurately within the time deadlines for successful business operations. Data Warehouse (DW) is one of the solutions for decision-making process in a business organization. But it only stores data for managerial purpose and has no smart mechanism to augment decision making. Problems arise in decision support systems during access of data and information from different sources such as semantic networks, decision tables, decision trees, scripts etc and broadly integration of the data for frame based expert systems. The author has proposed a solution for transformation of one of the knowledge representation technique that of semantic network into more suitable knowledge representation format that of frames structure. The Proposed solution is further explained and proved by a case study. A simulator is developed to implement the proposed transformation solution producing the preferred output that of frames structure from the respective semantic network as input to the simulator. The proposed solution in this research is new bearing towards enhancement in decision support system and it is uncomplicated for the frame based expert systems to retrieve data and information. It leads to provide accurate and timely decisions for any business.

Index Terms—Data warehousing, expert system, decision support system, semantic network, frames, knowledge representation, data extraction.

Sajid Ullah Khan is with the Computer Science Department City  University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar Pakistan(e-mail: sajid_city@yahoo.com).


Cite: Sajid Ullah Khan, "Transformation of Semantic Networks into Frames," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 21-25, 2013.

Copyright © 2010-2025. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology. All rights reserved.
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Published by International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT Press)