• ISSN: 2010-0248 (Print)
    • Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Innov.  Manag. Technol.
    • Frequency: Quarterly
    • DOI: 10.18178/IJIMT
    • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Jin Wang
    • Managing Editor: Ms. Nancy Y. Liu
    • Abstracting/ Indexing: CNKIGoogle Scholar
    • E-mail: editor@ijimt.org

    • Article Processing Charge: 500 USD
IJIMT 2012 Vol.3(6): 803-807 ISSN: 2010-0248

Hierarchical Service Quality Model towards Student Satisfaction

Aida Azlina Mansor, Rahayu Hasanordin, Muhammad Hafiz Abd Rashid, and Wan Edura Wan Rashid

Abstract—Nowadays, achieving good quality experience in higher learning institution is not restricted on teaching and learning aspect. However, several critical factors such as interaction quality, physical environment and outcome quality are substantiated to be explored. Therefore the aim of this paper is to investigate the importance of Hierarchical Service Quality Model (HSQM) and student satisfaction in higher education setting. Hence, data were collected via survey questionnaires to the total 179 respondents in Faculty of Office Management Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam, Selangor. All the hypothesized relationships were tested using Pearson correlation coefficient. The results indicated that elements of HSQM are positive and have significant relationship to the student satisfaction. Notably, physical environment of the faculty are the highest element that contributes to student satisfaction. In brief, the university should improve their service quality in order to remain competitive in this globalized environment as well as to increase student satisfaction.

Index Terms—Hierarchical service quality, student satisfaction, interaction quality, physical environment quality and outcome quality.

Aida Azlina Mansor, Rahayu Hasanordin, Muhammad Hafiz Abd Rashid,and Wan Edura Wan Rashid are with the Universiti Teknologi MARA,Malaysia (e-mail: {aidaazlina, rahayu484, hafiz.rashid,wanedura}@puncakalam.uitm.edu.my).


Cite: Aida Azlina Mansor, Rahayu Hasanordin, Muhammad Hafiz Abd Rashid, and Wan Edura Wan Rashid, "Hierarchical Service Quality Model towards Student Satisfaction," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 803-807, 2012.

Copyright © 2010-2025. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology. All rights reserved.
E-mail: ijimt@ejournal.net
Published by International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT Press)