E-mail: editor@ijimt.org
Abstract—Ontology has recently gained popularity in building knowledge base because the description, localization and effective reuse of software patterns and systems of patterns can be approached through an ontology-based formalism. This paper designs ontology in the mobile phone domain for the construction of knowledge base, and presents a new method for knowledge assessment in which quizzing questions are drawn using the mobile phone ontology-based knowledge base to assess the sufficiency of professional knowledge of mobile phone sales persons. An automated learning service is then provided to offer users personalized learning contents subject to their knowledge deficiencies.
Index Terms—Ontology, knowledge base, knowledge assessment, e-learning.
e-mail: bertchen@iii.org.tw.
Cite: Bert Chen, Chen-Yu Lee, and I-Chang Tsai, "Ontology-Based e-Learning System for Personalized Learning," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 464 -466 , 2012.