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Abstract—This paper examines MC enabling technologies and their impact on the success of MC systems in Cosay Company by using System Dynamics analyzing. It also demonstrated the effect of technology on the level of customization and production volume. This paper shows how technology contributes in the handling of the customers, the realization of the product or service, and the coordination between those two sides, which is a vital element to the success of an MC system. It has been found from the system dynamics model that the company's information system plays a major role in linking and coordinating the different sides of the MC cycle and also has a valuable input in market research and development.
Index Terms—Mass customization cycle, system dynamic, case study.
A. M. Baerz(Corresponding Author) is with the Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran(e-mail: moghbela@modares.ac.ir; tel:+98-9121300468).
A. T. Yassinis with the Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran (e-mail: allatalal@yahoo.com;tel:+98-9361388811)
Cite: Abbas Mogbel Baerz, Alla Talal Yassin, Adel Azar, and Seyyed Esfehany, "Mass Customization Cycle (MCC) through ETLC System Dynamics Modeling: A Case Study in Consay Company," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 378 -381 , 2012.