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Abstract—The study discusses individuals’ skepticism to blog product review by an empirical survey. ANCOVA and Partial Least Square (PLS) were used to analysis the data. This study found that subjects were much skeptical about advertisement than blog product reviews. The influences on skepticism of influence and experience were moderated by product. Skepticism will reduce of the credibility of message and induce negatively product attitude. The credibility will positively influence subjects’ product attitude and then lead to intention to purchase and to recommend the product to others.
Index Terms—Blog, product review, word-of-mouth,skepticism.
C. C. Wang is with the National Taipei University, Sansia, New Taipei 237, Taiwan (e-mail: wangson@mail.ntpu.edu.tw).
H. Y. Chien earned Master Degree from National Taipei University, Sansia, New Taipei 237, Taiwan (e-mail: badgirl4848@hotmail.com).
Cite: Chih-Chien Wang and Hung-Yu Chien, "Believe or Skepticism? An Empirical Study on Individuals’ Attitude to Blog Product Review," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 343 -348 , 2012.