Abstract—Flooding due to natural disasters such as heavy rains and tropical cyclones, results in huge losses of life and property. In many countries flood warning systems (FWS) have been introduced to minimize this loss by warning people in flood prone areas to evacuate and protect their property, albeit some damage still occurs. This paper explores flood warning systems and associated issues in developing countries which potentially can reduce the loss of lives and property during a flooding occurrence. The paper then proposes an appropriate FWS in the context of developing countries.
Index Terms—Flood warning system (FWS), developing countries, SMS
The authors are with The Flinders University of South Australia (email : keod0001@flinders.edu.au, robert.goodwin@flinders.edu.au)
Cite: Saysoth Keoduangsine and Robert Goodwin,"An Appropriate Flood Warning System in the Context of Developing Countries," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 213-216, 2012.