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Abstract—This paper examines the relationship between involvement, brand loyalty and consumer’s willingness to buy the extension products from private stores that sells apparels.The results that emerge from the study are (i) Involvement plays a significant role in the decision making for apparels and influence the brand loyalty. (ii) Consumer’s evaluation towards the extension from apparel store brands is influenced by relevance and similarity. Further, the outcome also indicates that consumer’s reaction towards the extension product category (non-durable or durable) is influenced by brand association.
Index Terms—Extension, Involvement, Loyalty, Private store brand.
K. Sadasivan is with the Department of Business Administration, SRM University, Chennai, India (e-mail: sada2010@gmail. com).Dr. C. Samudhra Rajakumar is with the Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University – 608 001, India (e-mail:drcsk64@gmail.com).R. Rajinikanth is with the Department of Business Administration,Annamalai University – 608 001, India (e-mail: cskrrk@ yahoo.co.in).
Cite: K. Sadasivan, C. Samudhra Rajakumar, and R. Rajinikanth, "Role of Involvement and Loyalty in Predicting Buyer’s Purchase Intention towards Private Apparel Brand Extensions," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 519-524, 2011.