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Abstract—University allied with industry was accepted as one of the core functions across university system, together with teaching and research. As these alliances could be enhanced students’ knowledge from their workplace with the comprehension from university. Nevertheless, the studies in this area, the collaboration between university and industry were still limited, especially in developing countries. This research, then drew on the experiences of a project investigating issues relating to workforce development and the learning experience within the workplace and also tried to probe the phenomena of the engaged programme between university and industry, and the performance of allied programme. The results showed the significant signed through qualitative research which collected data via interviewing the concerned staffs at CEDEP. Moreover, the result also demonstrated the mutual benefit to university and industry after participated students have passed the 5 practice periods of CEDEP or 4 steps programme.
Index Terms—alliances, collaboration, education, industry
P. T. is with the Faculty of Business Administration, Maejo University,Chiangmai 50290 Thailand. (e-mail: thepusanisa@ yahoo.com).
M. L. is with Universidad ICESI, Cali, Colombia. He is now with the Department of Physics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523USA (e-mail: author@lamar. colostate.edu).
Cite: Pusanisa Thechatakerng and Melquicede Lozano, "The Alliances: Collaborating Programmed between Education and Industry," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 414-418, 2011.