DOI: 10.7763/IJIMT.2011.V2.112
Sanctions & Disbursement of Loans to Self Help Groups (A Study with reference to Deccan Grameena Bank, Hyderabad)
Abstract—This Research study begins with a background discussion about unemployment and poverty in rural areas and why low-income persons seek self-employment as a viable option towards building social and human capital to work towards poverty alleviation. It moves on to a discussion of a qualitative analysis the impact of SHGs on individual members, family, and community life, changes in skills, knowledge, and attitudes, successful outcomes, and the development of human and social capital. Utilizing these findings, effectiveness of Women SHGs in the promotion of micro enterprises is discussed, suggesting that micro enterprise development is a viable option for poverty alleviation, and community economic development. Micro enterprise promotion among the very poor requires comprehension of the market dynamics. Markets being highly dynamic in character, enterprises are under constant risk due to relative ease of entry and exit conditions. The study shows that SHGs are still in a state of flux and their sustainable development depends on a number of factors, which are both internal and external to the group. No doubt, SHGs have set a new empowerment agenda for financial intermediation by banks. Further, SHG as a system has infused certain synergy among its members to move up in the socio-economic ladders from passive onlooker into an active partner/stakeholder in the development process. Today, SHGs in India have become a potential tool for the empowerment of women, social solidarity and socio-economic betterment of the poor in their own setting. Dynamics within SHG, level of empowerment achieved by women SHG members and It covers banks MFI’s SHG’s and supply chain members.
Prof. S.S. PRASADA RAO,Director and Dean, Hyderababad Business School,GITAM University, Hyderabad Campus,E-mail,
RAAVI RADHIKA Assistant professor Hyderabad Business School GITAM University, Hyderabad Campus(
Cite: Prof. S.s. Prasada rao, Raavi Radhika, " Sanctions & Disbursement of Loans to Self Help Groups (A Study with reference to Deccan Grameena Bank, Hyderabad)," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 101-106, 2011.