• ISSN: 2010-0248 (Print)
    • Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Innov.  Manag. Technol.
    • Frequency: Quarterly
    • DOI: 10.18178/IJIMT
    • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Jin Wang
    • Managing Editor: Ms. Nancy Y. Liu
    • Abstracting/ Indexing: CNKIGoogle Scholar
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    • Article Processing Charge: 500 USD
IJIMT 2011 Vol.2(1): 37-42  ISSN: 2010-0248
DOI: 10.7763/IJIMT.2011.V2.100

Formalizing Semantic of Natural Language through Conceptualization from Existence

Yucong Duan, Christophe Cruz

Abstract—We propose an outline of an approach to formalize semantic from conceptualization for both natural language (NL)and logic expression mechanisms. This goes beyond the level of discussions at conceptual level which has to either end in conscious/unconscious relativity of understanding or subjective enforcement in the form of definitions instead of expected objective semantic. This approach supports to view from a pure mathematical perspective, and explore and locate the fundamental problems. The semantic formalization mechanism realizes the integration of problem description and the solution expression at absolute semantic level. So a problem describing process is equivalent to the solution exploring process by integrating both in one. This essentially caters the ideology of proceeding with model refinement of model driven development. Other advantages include that it will reduce the need for validation for model migrations during a model driven development process, etc. Application is intended to cover specification refinement of both functional and quality requirement, and both static description and behavioral implementation, etc.

Index Terms—Semantic, knowledge, cognitive, formalization,conceptualization.

Yucong Duan was with Le2i, UMR-5158 CNRS, University of Bourgogne, Dijon Cedex, France ( phone: 00420-774-860-623; e-mail:duanyucong@hotmail.com).
Christophe Cruz is an associate professor of Le2i, UMR-5158 CNRS,University of Bourgogne, Dijon Cedex, France(email:christophe.cruz@u-bourgogne.fr)


Cite: Yucong Duan, Christophe Cruz, " Formalizing Semantic of Natural Language through Conceptualization from Existence," International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 37-42, 2011.

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E-mail: ijimt@ejournal.net
Published by International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT Press)